Sunday Morning Teaching and Worship

May 15th Teaching
April 9th Teaching - Passover Seder Listen
Karlene walks us through the Passover seder. -
Apr. 2 Teaching Time Listen
Don't be afraid to go where God is taking you. -
Mar. 26th Teaching Time Listen
The importance and need of zeal. -
January 22nd Teaching Listen
Morgan and Larry share some things that God has been laying on their hearts recently. -
January 15th Teaching Listen
Be Fruitful and Multiply -
August 21 Teaching Listen
Growing in Love -
August 14th Teaching Listen
Storing up Treasure and Building Storehouses That Will Pass Through the Fire. -
July 31 Teaching Listen
Staying in the Flow of the River -
June 24th Teaching Listen
Feast of Trumpets and Returning -
July 17th Teaching Listen
Looking for what God is doing and not being distracted. -
July 10th Teaching Listen
Pentecost & Living with Unveiled Faces -
July 3rd Teaching Listen
Hearing and Listening -
June 26th Teaching Listen
Still No Skipping Steps!! (Feasts) -
June 19th Teaching Listen
We Can't Skip Steps (With The Feasts as The Outline) -
June 12th Teaching Listen
Seeing People as God Sees Them -
June 5th Teaching Listen
Baptism: Passover leading to Pentecost -
May 29th Teaching Listen
Loving the Heretic -
May 22nd Teaching Listen
3 Sermons in 1 -
May 15th Teaching Listen
Love -
May 8th Teaching Listen
Love -
May 1st Teaching Listen
The Passover Seder -
April 17th Teaching Listen
Pastoring like a Parent, Prayer and Going Deeper -
April 10th Teaching Listen
Sharing & Teaching: Discernment, Intercession and God's Courtroom -
April 3rd Teaching Listen
Karlene sharing about Ecuador Trip -
March 27th Teaching Listen
Purim, Esther, Counting the Cost -
March 20th Teaching Listen
Choosing the eternal which is unshakable. -
March 13th Teaching Listen
The 5 Fold Ministry and Maturing the Church Body. Growing our understanding of the 5 fold ministry in relation to prophetic words given within the church body. -
March 6th Teaching Listen
God's Ultimate Healing, a Debrief about Graham and Waiting on the Lord -
February 28th Teaching Listen
Standing on God's Life Giving Word, "Heaven's Gates Hell's Flames", The Enemy's Accusations.